Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most often-asked questions I get via your emails and letters; both business and personal…I’m sure the list will grow over time; let me know what else you need answers to (but no math or anything like that).

paintingIs it OK if I borrow the art on your website to use on my blog?
We love it when people want to use my art — but if you’re making something with it to sell, the art and content on this site and on my products is copyrighted/protected; and would be done through LICENSING.
For online use; please EMAIL KELLEE and let her know if you’d like to use my art on your blog; we’d love a credit with a link back to www. with each use.
Help yourself to BUTTONS.heart


Will you come speak to my group?

Who makes your fabric and where can I find it?
Quilt Market Award Winner
My FABRIC is made by Quilting Treasures, which is the division of Cranston (in Rhode Island) dedicated to the independent quilt store business (my fabric is not available in chain stores). If you would like to order my fabric for your store, please contact them (or with any comments you might have) at: http://www.quiltingtreasures.com/content95.html.

Susan Branch FabricWe always encourage you to spend your time and money at the wonderful, small, creative quilt shops across the country (they teach too!), but if you live too far away from a store, or simply can’t find it, we do carry a small selection of my fabric in our WEB STORE (for as long as it’s available; fabric is often gone before we know it).

Will you ever send your WILLARD Newsletter out again via Snail Mail?

We’re thinking about it, we’d love to; it was always free before, that’s what stops us… we would need to make it a subscription because the whole industry of snail mail has gotten so much more expensive. It’s sort of been on the back burner for a while, do you think we should? You can WRITE and tell me; but until then, you can sign up for our monthly WILLARD that comes to you free via email.

Do you sell or loan out your mailing list?
No, never, ever, ever.


Why is shipping so expensive?mail box
Several reasons, the price of gas is one of them. Another is that we’re not Amazon or Zappos, we’re small, so we don’t receive the lower prices (due to volume) that big companies do. We’ve thought of trying to “hide” the cost of shipping by including it in the price of the products we sell — but there’s no hiding it. Like hiding an elephant under the sofa. Emma cups for example…come from England, are so expensive we only order six, sometimes twelve at a time, but they are WONDERFUL, and collectible and I would buy them myself, so we want to have them. Add shipping, and we’re talking investment. I can’t tell you how hard we’ve tried to get the costs down. Some things we even pull out from the others and drive them to the post office ourselves because in some cases, not always, it’s cheaper to send things that way (we’re too small for the PO to do a pickup with us). The big shippers, who will come and pick up, give us one overall price, based on the price of the item, not on how far it goes. That’s the rules. We’re just happy we can still do it at all…

Do you accept advertising on your blog?
Yes, if I love the product and would use it and rave about it anyway. Emma could have an ad here anytime. Creative blogs too, food and cooking things would be good in our Home Cooking section; tea rooms, independent bookstores and fabric shops; yarn stores and cozy B & B’s; Cunard and Amtrak, something wonderful about places and events on Martha’s Vineyard or in England. Here’s how you can contact us about ADVERTISING.

out of printWhy can’t I find stickers and other things?
We don’t manufacture things ourselves; artwork and design is licensed and products are sold wherever the manufacturer chooses, for as long as they like, which, unfortunately, these days, isn’t long. (That’s why nothing stays in stock in our store very long.) Manufacturers are always looking for “new.” Getting a product that would be around forever and never change, like Lifesavers or Levis, is fairly impossible today; the manufacturers really don’t do it anymore. They say the market wants new. (We know, we don’t like either.) When my products come out, we purchase as much of it as we can for our WEB STORE (otherwise we never know where it’s being sold), but it’s only a matter of time until it’s gone and no more to be found. We get calls all the time from people looking for a certain teapot or fabric or scrapbook. Your best bet for old out of stock items is Ebay. Sorry, I don’t have a better answer than that!

Also, for new product, a manufacturer has to CONTACT US and request to LICENSE my art. And here’s where you can help, because we would really like to have stickers and scrapbooking things again. There are several wonderful manufacturers out there, who would no doubt LOVE to hear your thoughts on the subject. You can email them and suggest that you would like to see Susan Branch stickers — or really whatever product you’re interested in! Because you, as the consumer, are most powerful of all. Who knows, maybe they will call us! Here are a few links to some manufacturers; and you being your creative self, may have your own ideas; just direct your questions to the Licensing Departments and include our web site address… www. . And p.s., thank you.heart

EK Success (includes Kay and Company); for stickers and scrapbooking
Hallmark (for stationery and greeting cards, and probably everything else!)
Wilton love their fun products–lots of baking things we’d love to see Susan’s art on!
Checks in the Mail; We know, everyone wants checks! Us too….
Esportia; these are the people who made our jammies!: (626) 301-0280

Do you carry other things in your web store besides Susan Branch products?
Emma BridgewaterYes, we do. Because we find things we fall in love with, books or cooking things, special garden things like our BEE SKEP, darling dish towels, Vintage things when we’re on a road trip; things I have in my own house and think you might like too.

Are you ever going to tell us how you and Joe met?what a doll
It was pure luck on my part, sitting in the right chair in a restaurant at the right time. I love love stories, so I just wrote ours into my next book. I was saving it for the right time. Now that we just celebrated 24 years together, I think I can safely write about it — looks like we’re going to make it! (Knocking on wood).

What got you started cooking?cooking badge
Well, the real beginning was the brownies and peanut butter cookies I was baking at around ten years old. I’m the oldest of eight children and we had lots of lunch boxes going out of the house every day! I was also in charge of the bowl and beaters, and learned early about the good feeling you get when someone says, “Mmmmmm, can I have more?” That was reason enough.heart
But cooking as a passion, for me, happened in a flash of a moment — it was a vision of inspiration that changed my life. And (I hate to say this, I don’t mean to tease) I also put that story in my next book. It’s long, you don’t want it here anyway. Sorry, don’t be mad. It’ll be fun in the long run, you can have tea with the book.

When is your next book coming out?
I keep fooling around writing this, painting new fabric and calendars (having tea, visiting my family, working in the garden), also Twittering, writing Willards, checking Facebook to see what the FOSB are up to, and every other thing, because I really love our connection and have gotten slightly addicted to all the back and forth between us. Procrastination is my middle name; which causes all sorts of problems and slows down the book. But it’s coming.
Now that the blog design is done and up, I’m really buckling down, refusing to let myself get distracted; start early, quit late; focused like a laser, protecting myself from dangerous outside influence. I’ll be dedicated and discip . . . Oh! Did you see that? My girlfriend Martha just walked past my window; wonder where she’s going. Her daffodils are blooming. Is she coming here? I better go check….heart


Art and Content for Susanbranch.com is protected by registered copyrights. Please ask before using.

573 Responses to FAQ

  1. Barbara Rubino says:

    Dear Susan –
    Over the years since you started your wonderful career of writing, designing and everything else I love I have been buying your cook books and many other things over the years as well as buying the same for my two daughters and daughter-in-law. Love your website, subscribed to your newsletter and because of a lack of book stores in Santa Barbara it is not easy to find your talent in the stores. I am looking for an Engagement calendar with 2017 dates accordingly, not one with just days that I notice you are going to sell and also an address book that you are in the process of designing and selling. Do you make the Engagement calendar as requested and can I order by phone, I am not an online shopper, and if so what number do I call. Thank you for your patience in reading my e-mail.

    • sbranch says:

      Write [email protected]/~susanbs3/susanbranch/ and ask Sheri ~ she may think of something I’ve forgotten . . . We do have the address book, but the only engagement calendar would be my book of Days ~ a perpetual calendar, so although the months and days are there, you would have to write in the days of the week, i.e. “Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.” Hope this helps!

  2. Judy Pusateri says:

    I made the lavender polenta cake over the weekend (I have made it two times before and it was delicious). This time it tastes a bit greasy. Any thoughts as to why that would be?

    • sbranch says:

      Not really. I’m sorry, I’ve never had that happen. It can’t be the heat, because it bakes in the oven! I can’t imagine. Maybe you used a different kind of butter? I didn’t stipulate what kind of butter to use, but I’ve heard that some kinds have more water in them, and some use vegetable oil… that’s all I can think of!

  3. Charlene says:

    Hi Susan, Just a note to say I have just finished Isle of Dreams, and it was so good!!! I have read all three now and hope there will be another one in the future. It is wonderful you have been able to incorporate all your talents into one and produce such beautiful entertainment for so many. Thank you,

  4. lorraine arias says:

    lorraine from calif my sister just brought me Isle of Dreams i have never heard if it before found it in a small tea shop in clarmont ca love the story felt so sad in the beginning but i was so happy u were happy and laugh so hard about dune buggy i will get the other 2 books when i can get extra money .i learned so much about life thur your book we can be lonely and survive thank you .

  5. J Bove says:

    Could you please give permission and a nice format to print out Aug 2016 blog addendum of “What ever happened to Holly Oak”. So we, whom already have “Isle of Dreams” can print and tuck into the back of the book…would be much appreciated.

  6. Lori Hall says:

    Well hello Susan, first of all I want to thank you for the inspiration you have given me in all aspects of my journey the past 3 years. I have the full collection of your books, etc. and I anxiously await more to come in the near future. I have but one question for you….I remember reading in one of your blogs/Willard newsletters of a story you shared with us called “PANCAKES” and you mentioned you would be including it in one of your books, but I have not seen it anywhere. I absolutely love that heartfelt story and was wondering if you could share it again for everyone that follows your blog so they could enjoy.

    Thank you and have a lovely day

    • sbranch says:

      I thought I would save that wonderful story for my PANCAKES cookbook, hopefully I’ll get there sooner rather than later . . . it would be perfect there! And thank you Lori!

    • grandmamagee says:

      wondering if you considered offering a ‘template’ for Family Keepsakes Recipe Book to use to print the recipe instead of handwritten. Yes, prefer the handwritten as it is more personable but I have 5 grandchildren to create a cookbook for their keepsake.

      • sbranch says:

        Totally understand. I actually don’t know how to do that. But if I was making 5 scrapbooks, I would just type the recipes and print them out… you can choose a nice font … put stickers on them, even add some hearts and flower borders. And every so often, add a handwritten quote … or say “This is GOOD!” … so your all-important handwriting is there!

  7. Jane Bellnier says:

    Just started reading Isle of Dreams. LOVE IT !!!! Been there many times…family members live in OB. Love your style. Cannot wait to continue the read.

    Thanks for bringing back some memories

  8. LS Lauer says:

    I got your blog for years. I switched to MS 10 and no longer get it. I have signed up several times with no luck. Please explain which blog delivery system I should use. I do not belong to any social network. I use only plain old email. Thank you

  9. soosan brown says:

    Hi Susan~
    a question about your Homemade Marshmallow recipe…

    After the ‘mixture’ is poured into the 9×9 pan, it says to “sprinkle the reserved powdered sugar-cornstarch mixture over the top and set aside”. Later on, in the recipe, it states “roll each marshmallow in the powered sugar mixture.”
    Can I assume then, the ‘sprinkle ‘ of the mixture over the top, is NOT the entire amount remaining??
    Will be making these when I visit my G’kiddos next week!!

    Love your books; love the photos; love your drawings!!


    • sbranch says:

      There’s a bunch of powdered sugar on the top of the marshmallows, and you’ll cut them into squares and roll them in that. Have fun!

  10. Tamrajo says:

    You are such a kindred spirit❤️
    Keep that happy gene 👍

  11. sue says:

    This is not a comment, though I just love your books. Such inspiration! I have a question. I have been collecting your books through the years. I just purchased a used “Autumn” book, that did not have a book jacket. I am starting a collection for my daughter so I can give them to her for her wedding. I am wondering if you have an extra book jacket for this book, which I would be glad to purchase.
    Sue Bonacci

  12. Pam says:

    Dear Susan,
    Your “political” article helped settle my heart & soul. I sent it on to my 3 children, & to many of my friends that also needed comfort/reassurance that we will survive these next few years.
    Thank You for your openness & honesty.

  13. Kellie DeMaio says:

    Dear Susan,
    I just finished reading Isle of Dreams. Enjoyed the book very much. I just “discovered you” and will look forward to purchasing more of your books. Your are a breath of fresh air! Thank you, Kellie

  14. victoria diotte says:

    Hello – I am a faithful Susan Branch small calendar person. In the past few years you have not included the small previous-month and next-month in the upper corners of the calendar. I have a photo example – let’s see if I can plug it in here: no luck
    In anycase I end up cutting the little calendars from the back of last year’s calendar and taping them left and right of the current month’s header page. Sometimes once the month changes you need to look back or forth to double check a date, etc.
    If you would consider putting those little calendars back on the page it would be very helpful!
    Thanks! – Vikki

    • sbranch says:

      Our only problem is space, Victoria. I see what you’re talking about in the 2015 mini calendar, I have done that sporadically ~ but to do it, I have to take out a lot of art, so there’s a trade off. For example in the new 2017 calendar, the January page, those little dates would take up half the space in the bottom where the “Feed your soul” quote is. So I moved that information to the last page of the calendar, if you just lift up December, it’s all right there.

  15. Deb Sommer says:

    I’m interested in beginning meditation. What program do you use?

    • sbranch says:

      I don’t use one anymore, I’ve done it so long, I just repeat the same things over to myself to do it now. I haven’t found anything I’ve liked as much as what I learned on, which was guided meditation. I’m thinking of recording what I do for myself, for others . . . when and if I find some time. I think you are brilliant to learn. It’s hard to do it when you just start off by trying to be quiet. Try to find something, a class or a tape, that’s guided. Good luck Deb! I think it’s a life changer!

  16. SusanA says:

    Hi, Susan. Is there a way to search your blog? I can’t find a Search feature and hope I haven’t overlooked it. I’d love to be able to look up past things I’ve read and would like to revisit–at the moment, that would be your posts about your trips to the UK. I wanted to share them with a friend who has never been to your blog, but I don’t remember what months or years you wrote about them (except for your current trip to Scotland, of course, since I’m reading about that now).

    • sbranch says:

      Read the archives (right side column of the blog) for 2013 … Also, at the top there is a drop down under I LOVE ENGLAND, and there are 2 posts for the Index of A Fine Romance, with lots of links and videos … also in that drop-down is going to Beatrix Potter’s Hill Top. Another way to go, Google Susan Branch, and then the word you want, like “Jane Austen” or “Charleston” and that will take you to the blogs that show those things. “Lake District” “Yorkshire Dales” etc. Hope this helps!

      • SusanA says:

        Interesting, using Google to search a blog. I’d never tried that until now. Unfortunately, “Susan Branch Yorkshire” yielded only one post from 2012; same thing with “Susan Branch Footpaths.” “Susan Branch England” revealed two posts from 2016, but I know you wrote more than that about your trips. I’ll give my friend those links, at least, and suggest she go through the 2013 posts one by one if she wants to read more. Thanks for the reply.

        • sbranch says:

          It’s actually the months of April and May of 2012 for the posts while we were in England. Tell your friend to start HERE and just click forward with each post.

  17. Annmarie Morgan says:

    Hi Susan, I just wanted to let you know that your blog is like food to my soul! I am a mom of two and I struggle with depression and anxiety. Life is hard right now, better than it’s been, but still hard. I just found your blog about a month ago and can’t stop reading your posts. While I’m reading, I just imagine that I don’t have the weight of the world on my shoulders for a few minutes. I am able to open my heart and let the sunshine in. I imagine that we’re sitting at a table with a cup of coffee or tea, and I’m just enthralled with all of your stories! Thank you so much! I feel like deep down, beyond the anxiety and the battles with my mind, our hearts are very much the same. Thank you again for being you and sharing your heart with all of us!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so happy to hear from you, Annmarie. Depression is such a soul robber, I’m glad you are finding respite. Never give up, there is help, and nothing EVER stays the same, that is a true promise! xoxo

  18. Laura Brown says:

    Hi Susan,
    May I ask the name brand of the watercolor paint pallet used in the photo of this blog posting? I’ve been unsuccessful locating the same one in a search of the internet. Thanks so much! Hope your CA trip continues to be amazing!

    • sbranch says:

      I got that at Michaels, but later discovered that if you erased over it, some of the colors would smear. Not recommending it! Too bad because it had lots of nice colors.

  19. Carrie Cline says:

    Are you going to have the miss right Winkle figurine? She’s my favorite and did didn’t see it

    • sbranch says:

      You mean Miss Tiggy-Winkle? Those wonderful Beatrix Potter figurines are vintage from the 40s and 50s. We get them when we can find them, mostly from antique stores when Joe and I are on our travels, and we pass them on in the Vintage part of our web store. We’re always looking for them, and the moment Miss Tiggy-Winkle shows up, we’ll put her there, so be sure to check back!

  20. Jen Skelton says:

    Dear Susan, I just got the latest copy (Spring 2017) of King Arthur Flour’s “Sift” and there is a nice article about the Behind the Bookstore cafe-restaurant in Edgartown. Since you probably already know about the place I thought you might be interested to see it. 🙂

  21. Dear Susan,

    I love your works, especially A Fine Romance. It gives me hope that I may find fellow – or rather he may find me. And warms my heart. Also, your art is lovely.


  22. Eileen Divietro says:

    hi Susan,
    I know this is the question and answer part of your blog.. but I thought I would give it a whirl to see if my message disappears like it has been over the last few days. .. Just hoping to help… 🙂

  23. Karen Werth says:

    Dear Susan,
    I recently read Edie Clark’s book “Saturday Beans & Sunday Suppers, Kitchen Stories from Mary’s Farm”. A lovely book I bought while vacationing in Maine. It made me think of you and your writings and I thought I would pass on it’s title in case you haven’t read it. I love following you in your books and your Blog. Just purchased a few copies of your new Gratitude book to give to friends. Happy Spring and thank you for always lifting up the spirit of your readers and making us smile. Karen

  24. Kaye Edwards says:

    Hello, Susan! I just finished the Isle of Dreams book and thoroughly enjoyed it. You have inspired me to keep a diary/journal, and I was wondering what type of book you like to keep your daily notes in? Bound, spiral or on computer? Fancy or simple? Would you consider creating a diary to sell? You certainly could create beautiful diaries, and your writing inspires people to keep them.

    • sbranch says:

      I just pick whichever one appeals to me when I go diary hunting. Usually bound, because your book should be handled often and needs to be strong. Not computer, the real thing, with handwriting, that’s the important part, besides what’s in it. I like lines, but sometimes I ignore them. I am considering designing a diary right now. I thought I would put a few line drawings in it so it could be part coloring book. Plus my own art, and quotes. I just wonder how many people would want such a thing. xoxo

  25. Wendy Forthun says:

    Hi Susan. I am a huge fan and have been for years! I have all your cookbooks and they are still my favorites after all these years. I love the art work as well as the delicious recipes and inspirations. One of my favorites is the Peach & Plum Crisp, pg 113 “The Summer Book” Sooooooo Yummmmmy!!! I have been winging the bake time for years and am just curious how long it should bake? I am stoked that I have found your website. Thank you for all the joy you have brought to my family for many years with your inspired good eats.

    • sbranch says:

      I know. I forgot that little thing! 25-30 minutes, but you already know that! Thank you Wendy, wonderful to hear from you!

  26. Margaret Cahill says:

    Just found your site. Kindered souls.

  27. Sarah Maldonado says:

    Is it ok if i use snippets frm my old Susan Branch calendars to decorate my envelops or packages i mail to friends? I like to recycle in this way by cutting out sayings and art to put on the outside of letters but will only do so if it is ok with you and doesn’t violate your licensing.

  28. Sharon Kadel says:

    Wowza!!! What a beautiful newsletter. So much thoughtfulness into one writing for a new newsletter for me. My first. Yay!!! I’m hooked.

    Thank you soooo much,

  29. Gerri Trudell says:

    Do you have extra address pages for my
    Heart of the home Address Book by Susan Branch?

    • sbranch says:

      The folks that made the address books didn’t include extra, I’m sorry to say … although you can check with stationery stores to find some that may fit.

  30. Monica says:

    Hello Susan,

    I live on the Central Coast of California, and loved going to your store in the village of Arroyo Grande. I miss the store and was sorry to see it go however wonder if you still have a home in the area, or if you now permanently reside on the East Coast. I attended one of your book signings a few years ago at the “windmill” farm in Nipomo and enjoyed meeting you.

    • sbranch says:

      I loved that store ~ it was a fun three years. But it was like a toy, it cost me more to have it than it brought in! I was always shopping for antiques for it and cutting roses from my garden to decorate it. Cutest little store in all the land! My studio is still in Arroyo Grande, where Kellee and Sheri work. But we live here in Martha’s Vineyard. I remember the Nipomo signing very well. Thank you for saying hello Monica!

  31. Amy McNulty says:

    I’m a longtime admirer of your artwork and have used your beautiful stickers in my scrapbooks, but I just recently discovered your wonderful books from an ad in Yankee Magazine.
    Chronic health issues prevent me from traveling to the places I’ve dreamed of seeing, so vicariously visiting Hill Top Farm with you was magical, and I was enthralled while reading every page and every adventure in “A Fine Romance.”
    I wanted to tell you about another series of books that take place in the Lake District you so loved visiting, and that had this same magical effect on me. Susan Albert Wittig wrote a series of 8 books, The Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter, that tell Beatrix’s story from the death of her first fiance through her wedding to Will Heelis.
    The books are mysteries, which isn’t my favorite genre, but I *loved* them because of how vibrant & alive Beatrix Potter felt to me while I was reading them. One very sweet aspect of the books is that when dogs bark or cats meow or other animals make their “animal noises,” Beatrix actually understands what they’re saying (although no other people do) – and the animals can also understand what she says to them!
    These are the book titles:
    1: the tale of hill top farm
    2: the tale of holly how
    3: the tale of cuckoo brow wood
    4: the tale of hawthorne house
    5: the tale of briar bank
    6: the tale of applebeck orchard
    7: the tale of oat cake crag
    8: the tale of castle cottage
    Thank you for all of the beauty and joy you bring to the world!

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you back Amy, so nice to hear from you. And thank you for spreading the word of these charming books. I have also enjoyed them, my first was read while on one of our trips to England. Just plain sweetness and light! xoxo

  32. Jodette Huckins says:

    Enter me please – I love your new dishes!

  33. Please ENTER ME…thank you for EVERYTHING! You are awesome 👏! So talented… I heart ❤️ you!

  34. maggie b in nevada says:

    I just laid out your Autumn book on the corner of my kitchen counter and will love looking through it.

  35. Rebecca Bartelt says:

    Dear Susan, I just have to tell you ,before another year passes,what you bring into my life. Many days I am home bound due to illness. I am blessed in more ways than I can count. I have a wonderful Joe-like husband, two sweet precious Dogs,a house with more warm cozy places to relax ,refresh and restart in than I can count. And among the best blessings is YOU. On days when I simply can not move due to pain, I settle in with one or all of your books. You can say more in a sentence than most of us say in a long paragraph. I just adore you and I thank you with all of my heart. With appreciation and love, Becky Bartelt

    • sbranch says:

      Oh Becky, you are so kind to tell me. I wish I had a magic wand. That’s all I would need to be truly happy. Instead, I stop to say a prayer for your pain to ease. xoxoxo

  36. Gretchen Bugden says:

    Hi Susan I just read the last page of your book Isle of Dreams ,it spoke to me when I picked it up at The Arroya Grande Library .I started reading and was amazed that you were from SLO.I have had a similar journey leaving Australia for Whitefish Montana to find a new life i went through my first snowy winters and did lots of soul searching, now I am in Pismo Beach and found so many parallels to your life .I loved your book , you have given me hope again in happy endings .Thank you for this wonderful journey through Martha’s Vineyard and your ihe nterest g story .

    • sbranch says:

      Thank you Gretchen! How nice to hear from you! Pismo is pretty heaven . . . I hope you are loving it there. You’ve traveled a long way! xoxo

  37. Sharen L. says:

    Dear Susan,

    An important day of recognition is coming December 16. What a remarkable way to mark these days of preparation for Christmas, by remembering those whose sacrifice was great.



    Merry Christmas to you!

    Sharen L.

  38. Tracey says:

    I’ve had your book “Christmas JOY” for years and just rediscovered it this year, blocked by something else on my bookshelves. It been such a busy season and it’s really helped me catch my breath and settle down to savor the season. I remember being enchanted when I first found it in the store, and that magical feeling came back as I pages through it tonight. Then, I realized I could look on the Internet to see what you’re up to now.

    What a JOY to find your blog! I immediately signed up for Willard, and will enjoy reading through the archives this winter.

    Thank you, thank you for sharing your sweet and beautiful art and wonderful words with the world. I wish you a very Merry Christmas! ❤️

  39. Elizabeth says:

    I love the little glass charms, but notice that most of them are SOLD OUT. Will more be made?

  40. Penny henson says:

    Hi Susan! My friend and I have all your books. We want to visit Mathias vineyard this spring. Would you be able to tell us where is the most economical location to fly into and visit Martha’s Vineyard and the best time to visit without the crowds. I would like to tell you more about the circumstances but would like to do it via email
    Thank you so very much

    • sbranch says:

      Well, because we never fly here, it’s kind of a question, but we do have an Island airport, and we also have a ferry boat. I would imagine it’s easiest and least expensive if you fly(?) into Boston (not sure where you’re coming from), grab a bus right there at the airport, which will take you to the ferry in Woods Hole for the 45 min. ride to the island. Hope this helps. Google MV Chamber of Commerce for lots more information!

  41. Amy says:

    Is it possible to purchase your books and products wholesale. Would love to offer them in my shop in Lancaster County, PA.

  42. Marti Snider says:

    I’ve just recently discovered your books and what a find! I feel like I’ve uncovered buried treasure. I just love every aspect of them — your humanism, your optimism, your joy at the changing seasons, your sense of adventure, your perfectly chosen quotes, your bravery in coping with loneliness and heartbreak, and, of course, your lovely artwork. I could go on and on because the list of things I’m enjoying just seems endless. I look forward to continuing to read your work and hope that you will continue to publish. You are an inspiration and have come into my life at a time when that inspiration is so very welcome. Thank you.

  43. felicia says:

    interesting articles and this is my first first reading a very interesting article thanks for this article that fits with the theme news.

  44. Patty Shillinger says:

    Dear Susan,
    My favorite sister’s name is Susan by the way.
    I love your work and buy cards frequently and when ever I see them, stickers.
    My question is this: I am working on gathering my favorite recipes in a scrapbook for my own personal use. Your work is everywhere on Pinterest and I have collected them into my boards. May I copy and past or print and glue your art onto my recipes from the Pinterest post?

    • sbranch says:

      As long as it’s just for your own use, not to reprint, give away, or sell to others, then I’d love for you to use it. xoxo

  45. judi bola says:

    After I read and try to understand this article and finally amazing.
    we are all grateful for the existence of this article can add even more insight for us all
    thank you

  46. Beverly J. Boughner says:

    What happened to your original “little cottage” that you bought on a whim in
    Marthas Vineyard? Do you still live there or near? Such wonderful books that you have written and share with us. Thank you. I read and reread them!

    • sbranch says:

      I live near it and see it often, especially in my dreams, I would love to have it back someday! Thank you Beverly!

  47. Deborah Elaine says:

    I am grateful to have discovered your blog, Willard, all your books & your artwork. I just can’t wait to see what you & Joe do next. You and I are close in age. I also come from a large family (10 girls, 4boys) so I can relate to many of your growing up adventures and family responsibilities. I also enjoy all your recipes, quotes, pictures and musica selections. Thanks for all you do to inspire so many people around the world. Your generosity is appreciated. I’ve been closely following your current trip to England, Wales & Ireland and it is like being there with you…just wonderful! I travelled to Ireland with family 4 years ago -you make me want to go back there, and to the Lake District in England.

  48. Phyl says:

    Hi Susan! I just finished reading Isle of Dreams and A Fine Romance (waiting on the Fairytale Girl from the library) and absolutely loved them! I was wondering if you and Joe are married? It wasn’t mentioned in the books and I couldn’t find anything online. If yes, have you written about it anywhere? I would love to read about it! Thanks so much!


    • sbranch says:

      I haven’t written about it, have sort of saved that part (and the part about the house we bought in 1989, the one we live in now) for perhaps another book! Yes, we’re married! But he is still my boyfriend! So happy you liked the other books! Thank you for letting me know!

      • Phyl says:

        Thanks so much for answering!! I’m still single but I definitely agree that staying “boyfriend and girlfriend” makes for a strong relationship! I hope I can find someone as good as your Joe 🙂 I would love to read the story of your current house! It’s so beautiful!! Meanwhile I’ll just catch up on your blog as it too is a new discovery for me 🙂

  49. anne luther says:

    Hi Susan I just returned from Ireland & England and of course was thinking of you. I saw an exhibit at the V& A on Chippendale furniture and was surprised to learn that there are many Chippendale pieces featured in Beatrice Potter’s books. They had some of the pages on display and a write up about Potter’s fascination with furniture. I took pics of the exhibition especially for you but have no idea how to attach them to this comment. So if you would like to see them please email me and let me know how to get them to you. I’m sure you will enjoy them. And maybe the next time you’re in London you could make a special request to the V&A to see the pages if they are not on view. it would be worth it for such a Potter fan as yourself. All the best. Anne Santa Barbara

    • sbranch says:

      I knew from BP biograpy her love for old furniture, and Chippendale, she used to go to farm sales and buy it. You can see it all in Hill Top, her cottage in the Lake District, including her little four poster bed. I’d love to see your photos, but you’re right, no way to attach to a blog, but you can send to [email protected]/~susanbs3/susanbranch/ and I’ll look for them! I’m so happy you enjoyed your trip, so MUCH to learn while traveling . . . just a dream, isn’t it?!

  50. Stacy Bender says:

    And help??
    I was recently directed to your 2019 calendar which had just been hung on the wall of an aging couple which I take care of during the week… and on January’s page was this quote:
    “When you listen in the woods after snow has blanketed everything, you hear nothing, which is so loud it becomes something. And that is the sound of silence.”
    I am struggling with who penned those words. At the top of the page is W.B. Yeats. Yet in doing a websearch, those words do not come up in conjunction with his name.
    Are they words, perhaps, penned by Susan Branch within her blog?
    Please help! I want to credit the words accordingly in a post I have recently shared from my walk in the Winter Mountains here in Montana.
    Thank you so very MUCH!
    – Stacy Bender
    Libby, MT

  51. Mary Noel says:

    Is the Willard newsletter still being posted? Thank you so much.

  52. Cheryl Ridderhoff says:

    Hi Susan,
    Will you be writing another “Celebrations” book? I bought mine years ago and have used up all the pages. It was the perfect book to record all my entertaining throughout the seasons.

  53. Susan Windham says:

    Hello, since I first read A Fine Romance I have wanted to take the same trip. Have you heard of any group travel that does it? I’m now single and 73 yrs old and a little insecure about doing it completely on my own. Thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      I think you are so smart to look at it that way. I know an English person, Mandy Marshall, she lives in Beatrix Potter’s Castle Cottage and arranges small, charming, and carefully planned tours of the Lake District . . . you would love her. Write her at [email protected] and see what she has planned. You can also Google “Travel Tours of English Countryside” ~ or get more specific, like “Tours of southern England” … or even “Tours of Kent and Wiltshire,” “Tours of Cotswolds” . . . and find TONS of sites, you can click on them, gather information, and see what you think. Britain is perfectly set up to give you anything you need. Good Luck! And keep in touch!

  54. Amy de Caussin says:

    Dear Susan,

    My twin sister Angela and I have loved all things you, for about 30 years now! Mid summer we start talking about ordering your calendar for the coming year. We own every book you have ever published. Our books have so many food stains. One of my daughter’s cookbook has been so used that it’s literally coming apart at the seams. P.S. Every recipe is delicious but my daughters favorite from when she was a kid is Chicken and Dumplings.

    I would like to enter my name into your mug give away please.

    Thanks so much!

    Warm regards,

  55. Debbie Dority says:

    Dear Susan,
    In about a month we will be taking the train to New England, also a side trip to Montreal, will be gone about three weeks. So excited, have been planning since first of this year! I want to remember as much as possible and thought a journal would be a good way to keep track of the days. Do you have some helpful hints to share? I’m thinking about bringing a digital camera for majority of pictures, instead of relying on my cell phone for those. Hope this is the right place to ask – thanks for your help!

    • sbranch says:

      I think you’re right on. Keeping diaries make the trips last forever. You’ll be surprised how many times in the future you’ll wonder out loud, Where was that place ~ and voila, you’ll have it at your fingertips. Digital Cameras take prettier pictures, but then your phone means you have your “album” with you at all time. Plus phone is small, so that’s handy. But we always do take digital because we end up printing some of the photos and so we want the best we can do. Mostly it depends on what you will be doing with them! Hope this helps. Have a wonderful time! xoxo

  56. Taffy Hill says:

    who is Vanna?

    • sbranch says:

      Vanna is our own version of Vanna White who is the hostess on Wheel of Fortune (since 1982) … the person whose job it is to add style to the game. There is actually a “Random Number Generator” here on my blog, that choses the winners of my giveaways, but what fun is that? So I invented Vanna, who “chooses the winners,” occasionally lives in my Peter Rabbit Room, and when she’s not here, she is gallivanting around the world (all in my imagination).

  57. Jill says:

    Hi Susan!

    I have loved your work and followed your blog for many moons. Now I have a daughter who also loves your work, specifically the yearly calendar I always keep in our kitchen. Yours is a kitchen calendar in a place of honor, useful and beautiful. Because of this she likes to check out the recipes on each month’s page. Please keep posting recipes and tips on your calendars! We love them! Please include a recipe or two now and then for upcoming fairy-tale girls!

    Lots of love.

  58. Pat Wyrick says:

    Dear Susan: Thank you for all of your uplifting & inspiration blogs. I’ve been a fan for years & will continue forever. I follow you on Twitter, but I do not have an account so I cannot post, but I thought in these times of such turmoil, these words should be heeded by many. Thanks for taking the time to read this & keep sending your lovely blogs – I look forward to them sooooooo much.

    Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it. –William Penn

  59. Cleta White says:

    I love your calendars so much and purchase two extra each year for my daughters. One concern I have is it would be so much better if you had edge protectors on it. Seems I always mess my page at the edges. Just a suggestion.

  60. pat says:

    HELP …

    I have used my last copy of Book of Days … 🙁
    Will you reprint them? Do them again? Where can they be found?

    • sbranch says:

      There are no plans for a reprint at this time, but I will definitely keep you in mind Pat! Sorry this isn’t more helpful!

  61. Patricia Dorwin says:

    What year was the first calendar published. Please and thank you.

    • sbranch says:

      My first one came out in 1993. They were sporadic until 1998, and from then on, there has been at least one each year except for one… I think it was 2004 or 5 …

  62. Debbie Driver says:

    Hello, I was hoping to find your recipe for “Cranberry Marmalade” on your blog, however, when I click on it… it goes to Lemon Squares” and not the marmalade. I tried twice thinking it was operator error… nope…
    I would love your recipe to try while I still have some cranberries. 😉

    • sbranch says:

      Scroll down HERE, to the white dish with cranberries in it … under it is a page from a calendar that says HOLIDAYS across the top … the recipe is there … first you make the cranberry sauce, then you mix it with prepared Marmalade, SOOOOO good! xoxo

  63. Bonne says:

    Hello, Hello : )
    I’ve posted this question in many places, a guest who stayed here at the Kelley House in Edgartown mentioned it was noted in one of your books? Which one? I must of missed it and I’m very curious??? She stayed specifically to find your house that’s a super fan.

    • sbranch says:

      Hello! Yes … I stayed at the Kelley House for a while when I first moved here . . . so there’s a bit of a story in my book Martha’s Vineyard Isle of Dreams. They have it at the Edgartown Bookstore! Hope you like it! xoxo

  64. Paula Mawhinney says:

    Hi Susan!
    Well, the kids are grown and gone now, and this empty nester decided (at 60) to get my hand back into watercolor after decades away from it.. Did I really say decades? Ugh. Anyway, I was wondering what type of paper you use? Cold press or hot press? Arches? Any helpful hints would be appreciated.

    • sbranch says:

      It depends on if I’m painting for a book, or I’m painting for beauty… because a book needs flat paper (as far as I’m concerned)…yet there is nothing more gorgeous than Arches paper, even before any watercolor is on it! For books I paint and write on plain old flat Bristol Board.

  65. Judy Gaylord says:

    Hello.. big fan Susan! Was wondering if there is any chance you will be having the repeat of the SUMMER CUP/MUG… I have been wanting that one for so long.
    Also.. will you ever be coming to Hudson, Ohio again to the Learned Owl Bookstore. I missed out on that too! Thanks so much Judy Gaylord

  66. Cindy Szokw says:

    Hi Susan,

    I just wanted to let you know that I have read all your books 3 times now.. When ever I am in a funk, I start with the 1st and read until I have read them all.. You lift me up .. wonderful memories
    Thank you

  67. Jane Ullmann-Bester says:

    Hello Susan,
    I just finished re-reading “Isle of Dreams”. I girlfriend sent me that book right after I lost my job in the summer of 2016. It came just at the right time, when I was feeling dejected, unappreciated, and very sad. I became obsessed with your story, and read every day (in between job-hunting and networking). I was inspired by your story about starting over and persevering even when you didn’t know where it was all going to lead. I guess, as I was reading, I felt like we were both on a journey together! And, growing up in the country in Wisconsin, I loved the homespun illustrations and comfortable way that you write. Then, I got a Limited Edition of Heart of the Home and Vineyard Seasons. It’s fun seeing and holding the cookbook that you wrote about creating in “Isle of Dreams”. Anyway….my feelings during this pandemic have gone back and forth–from sad, anxious, introspective, hopeful, then back to sad and anxious etc. But, again, reading your book gives me comfort and makes me cry and then laugh and, of course, there’s a happy ending–and that’s what I’m hoping for after this pandemic calms down. Thanks for inspiring me during not just one but TWO difficult times! Jane

  68. Jenn Nilsson says:

    Hi Susan! I adore your books and illustration work and am constantly adding new pieces you’ve written to my home library ♥
    I was wondering if you could share a bit of information about what your work day looks like as a writer or maybe a bit of the process for one of your books.
    I have worked many years as a licensed artist, but would love to be a write. Thank you for your time in (hopefully) answering this 🙂


  69. Kara Kirkpatrick says:

    I thought of you when I was looking at vermontcountrystore.com. They sell Peter Rabbit dessert plates, teacups and teapots, and even a nightlight. Happy shopping!

  70. Denise Picard says:

    Hello Susan,
    Just looked at your Kitty page. Love your black and white kitties. They look very similar to my past kitties, Bebop (female who looks like Jack) and Buster (male who looks like girl kitty.) I have a photo of the two together that I can email to you if you wish. The resemblance is uncanny! Serendipity!
    Otherwise, as a blast from the past, I used to be a sales rep for Anne McGilvray and sold your products, along with Melissa Neufeld’s. I have always loved your artwork. Denise Picard

  71. Valerie says:

    Dearest Susan,
    I’m hoping all is good out your way. I didn’t get a 1st of March newsletter from you.
    I’m hoping that it is some kind of glitch on my end.
    Best to you, Joe and Jack,


  72. Valerie says:

    Dearest Susan,
    I’m hoping that all is well out your way.
    I didn’t see a 1st of March newsletter. I’m hoping it’s a glitch on my end.
    Best to you, Joe and Jack

  73. Sharon E. LaPorte says:

    Oh Dear, haven’t heard anything in March and now it is April. Sure hope you and Joe and Jack are well. I was going to ask about mugs being out of stock but not “hearing from you” is more important. Soon? With Love…

  74. Nanette Hill says:

    Have you ever thought about producing a “Diary” type book? Or a “travel” type book. Like journels; with your artwork on pages. I have the “Days” book, but that has the calendar design; I’m think more blank pages.
    I was just wondering, I like to take notes on trips I go on. Having a Susan Branch book would be lovely, so I keep all my notes in one book.
    Just a thought for you.
    I have collected and loved ALL your books and products. Thank you for your inspiration and encouraging thoughts.
    Nanette from North Carolina

  75. Fran from Michigan says:

    Hi Susan, I haven’t been able to leave a comment lately and I don’t get anymore of your emails. I love your last Blog about your diaries, ( and would love to be in the pie plate giveaway) But I don’t know if I’m in the right spot. At any rate, I’m glad I got back on and I pray that this hurricane does not hit your area and you all will stay safe.

    • sbranch says:

      My blog has been going through some updating … it should all be back as usual, better than ever, very soon. Thank you for checking in… seems like the hurricane is dissipating a bit, which is better news for everyone. Still cranky, but, for here, more like a windy rainy nor’easter. So far!

  76. Melanie Roberts says:

    Dear Susan,
    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful full moon book mark! My children and I love checking the book mark to see when the next full moon will be and have been referring to it all year. It has brought us joy and helps us stay connected with nature when life gets busy.
    Many thanks again for your thoughtfulness and beautiful artwork.

  77. Linda McMorrow says:

    I haven’t received a blog post since July 17. I am wondering if I am still subscribed or something is wrong on my end.

  78. Chloe Hannah says:

    Hello, Susan!
    My husband and I recently visited Martha’s Vineyard (because you had made it sound so lovely)! We enjoyed it so much! I even saw you from a distance. We were wandering around the streets and I told my husband that this house looked a lot like yours. Lo and behold, your husband came driving out of the driveway as we walked by! I saw you way in the back yard visiting with someone. Just wanted you to know that you are an inspiration to so many of us. I, too, love gardening, lovely quotes, and England. I’ve read your books and given them as gifts, too. Keep up the good work!!!

  79. Angie Perry says:

    I recently purchased the picnic quilt pattern. I’m very excited! Although I’m not an experienced quilter, the instructions for this pattern I can’t figure out the size of the “Charm pack” squares. Can someone help with this? I would greatly appreciate it.

  80. Patricia Hamilton Mitchell says:

    Susan, I have the best love story of me and my Cat, Kitty Bear. I would love to write a book but it would have to be a special book with the right illustrations of pictures. Would you be interested in writing it and doing the pictures. I dont want money you could have it all. I just want a book of my 18 years with my cat. He died 1/1/22. I have cried myself to death. It’s a long story. My son died in 1980 at 11. So when I got this kitten it was the fist time I was able to feel a mother / son bond again. We had 18 good years. Can you help? I think it would be a great seller for you. Thanks

    • sbranch says:

      I would love to help you Patricia, but I have so much on my plate I don’t think I can do it… I am so very sorry your kitty is gone. Such a huge loss. Especially after your son. Please think soon about getting a kitten … or an older cat. So many need homes and you would be perfect because of the love. You could rescue each other.Sending you all my love and wishes for something good to come from 2022. xoxoxoxo

  81. Janet Fedeles says:

    Hi Susan. I just finished your book, Martha’s Vineyard, Isle of Dreams. Loved it! I happened upon it in the library; looking for something “different” to read. It sure was that…so creative and wonderful. My question is, are the recipes in the book included your cookbook, Heart of the Home? I am going to purchase the cookbook but do I need to copy these delicious recipes separately? I can’t wait to read all 3 of the books. I did not know it was a trilogy as there was only the one on the library shelf when I was browsing.
    Thank you. Jan Fedeles

    • sbranch says:

      Oh yes, I feel certain they are … I’m in England now and don’t have a copy of Isle of Dreams with me, but since I was telling the story of writing my first cookbook, I’m sure the recipes I spoke of are in Heart of the Home. I’m so happy you enjoyed it! Hope you love the recipes too!

  82. Jennifer Hines says:

    You, Joe, and your work have meant so much to me – literally saved me when I was so depressed thinking Trump had won 2 years ago. But you kept hope alive telling us on Twitter that is wasn’t over. Sadly, I have decided that I can no longer support Twitter in any way, shape, or form. I will continue to follow your blog and read the wonderful Willards. Happy Thanksgiving!

    • sbranch says:

      I know how you feel Jennifer. I’ve been taking some time away, but I have so many lovely wonderful inspiring Girlfriends there, it’s hard to go. I’m on the edge though, I despise the chaos that’s been inflicted on us for these last years, making me feel like I need to save the world when I know I can’t! I know everyone else feels the same way . . . I always wait for Superman or the like to swoop in and save us! I wish goodness got half the press that insanity seems to get! At least they’re not in charge of my blog!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you too! xoxox

  83. Merry K. says:


    I don’t know where to ask this, so I figured here would be okay. In the section where you have the wallpapers, stationary, and bookmarks, I’m not able to save the chicken and tea bookmarks. They’re just images without links. The other pictures have links and you can save the files just fine. If you can fix them, that would be great!

    And, I love your artwork and blog to pieces! And your favorite movies page is perfect for when I’m looking for something to watch and I have no idea of what would be good, And, I’ve also saved all of your pages from the “Home Sweet Home” section to my computer. I don’t own any of your books yet, but from what I’ve seen so far, I know I will love them when I do! 😀

    -Merry K.

  84. Natalie Holdren says:

    Hello. I have been following you since I was young and unmarried. I have collected your books and calendars over the years, and made many recipes. However, my favorite tool you’ve ever done is Days from the Heart of Home. I wish I could show you a picture of mine. It has sat on my kitchen counter for years. At the beginning, I tried to make it stay neat and pristine, which is absolutely impossible. But I have jotted down things I wanted to remember for over 25 years. I often find my grown children going back and reading the little notes: “B lost her first baby”, “L failed his driving test”, “Pres _______ was sworn in and his daughter wore a stunning coat”, “I’M CANCER-FREE!”, “Reagan has cancer”, etc. Very entertaining and precious. As they are now out of print, whenever I see one at a thrift book store, not marked up, I purchase it and have given it to young mothers in my friend group.

    Well done and thank you!

    • sbranch says:

      I’m so happy! But it’s all you, you know, for taking those precious minutes to put your life and even the history of America down on paper, in a book, that will last forever. Well done you!💖💖💖❌⭕️

  85. Jo Anne Hargraves says:

    I am planning a trip to London in celebration of my granddaughter’s high school graduation. I would like to include a customized trip to Oxford and I remembered that you recommended a company what operates out of Oxford. Are they still in business? Can you share their contact information?

    Many thanks and I love your work-ALL OF IT!

    Jo Anne Hargraves

  86. Kay says:

    Greetings: Many years ago … maybe in the 80s … I am certain there was a Susan Branch beautifully illustrated recipe published in a magazine (I think it might have been Country Living) for Cinnamon Rolls. I made them many times but can no longer find the recipe. I’ve searched all over the internet to no avail. I’m almost positive it was a Susan Branch recipe. Any chance you would remember this? Any chance I could get a copy of that recipe?

    Thank you,
    Kay Sanderford

    • sbranch says:

      I truly don’t remember cinnamon rolls, I don’t think it was me . . . but the recipes came from the Country Living, they weren’t mine, so I may have forgotten. So sorry I’m not more help!

  87. Diana Povis Moore says:

    Susan, I have items that I bought and never used—that I would like to pass-on to someone.
    (I’m 80 😊 now and doing a lot of “ passing on” of cool stuff.)
    1) GOD HAS GIVEN US OUR MEMORIES rtc . The beautiful scrapbook with the light green gross-grain ribbon. All pages and stickers are there.
    2) SCRAPBOOKING —Simple 1-2-3. Deluxe Scraping Kit
    3) Three boxes of little note csrds:
    Thank you for reading my note.

  88. Renee says:

    I just wanted to tell you how much your books mean to me. I’ve always been lost in life and to this day I still am yet to discover my calling in life. Your stories and beautiful words truly help me feel better. I just finished reading Isle of Dreams and I can’t wait to get my hands on another book of yours!Thank you for being a light in my life right now.

    • sbranch says:

      Thank YOU for telling me Renee! Very sweet of you . . . I think I know how you feel . . . I had that myself for a long time. But as you know from my book, I think you will find those answers inside … accessible by just what you are doing…curiosity and exploration. And the biggest word, trying. Blessings!💝

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